場所:Chicago, Illinois
HP: School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Area of Study: Art education * Art history, theory, and criticism * Art and techonology studies * Art therapy * Ceramics * Design for emerging technologies * Fashion design * Fiber and material studies * Film, video, new media and animation * Contemporary practices * Historic preservation * Liberal arts * Painting and drawing * Performance * Photography * Printmedia * Sculpture * Sound * Visual communication design * Visual and critical studies * Writing* Architecture * Architecture with emphasis in Interior Architecture * Arts Administration & Policy * Art Education * Art Therapy * Designed Objects * Fashion, Body and Garment * Modern Art History, Theory and Criticism * New Arts Journalism * Studio * Visual & Critical Studies
応募締め切り日: Fall Semester - 12月1日 (Early Action), 2月1日
Spring Semester - 10月1日
TOEFLスコア:79, IELTS:6.5
学費:$43,960 (年間), 奨学金あり

場所:New York, New York
HP: Pratt Institute
専攻: * Art & Design Education * Art History * Building & Construction * Communications Design * Construction & Management * Critical & Visual Studies * Digital Arts * Digital Design & Interactive Media * Fashion Design * Film * Fine Arts * Graphic Design * Graphic Design / Illustration * Illustration * Industrial Design * Interior Design * Painting / Drawing * Photography * Theory, Criticism, and History of Art, Design, and Architecture * Writing* Advanced Certificate In Museum Studies * Architecture * Architecture & Urban Design * Archives Certificate Program * Art & Design Education * Art Therapy * Art Therapy & Creativity Development * Arts & Cultural Management * City & Regional Planning * Communication Design * Dance / Movement Therapy * Design Management * Digital Arts * Facilities Management * Fine Arts * Historic Preservation * Industrial Design * Interior Design * Library & Information Science * Library Media Specialist * Museum Libraries * Package Design * Theory, Criticism, and History of Art, Design, and Architecture
応募締め切り日: Fall Semester - 11月1日 (Early Action), 1月5日
Spring Semester - 10月1日
TOEFLスコア:79, IELTS:6.5
学費:$46,586 (年間), 奨学金あり

場所:New York, New York
HP: Parsons The New School For Design
専攻: * Architectural Design * Art & Design History & Theory* Communication design * Design & Management * Design & Technology * Environmental Studies * Fashion Design * Fine Arts * Foundation* Illustration * Integrated Design * Interior Design * Photography * Product Design
応募締め切り日: Fall Semester - 11月1日 (Early Action), 2月1日, 4月1日(転校生)
Spring Semester - 10月1日(転校生,留学生),11月1日
TOEFLスコア:92, IELTS:7
学費:$32,000 (年間) *コースにより学費が異なります, 奨学金あり

場所:New York, New York
HP: Fashion Institute of Technology
主な専攻: * Advertising Design * Advertising & Marketing Communication * Communication Design * Computer Animation & Interactive Media * Computer Graphics * Entrepreneurship * Fabric Styling * Fashion Design * Fine Arts * Graphic Design * Home Products Development * Illustration * Interior Design * Jewelry Design * Menswear * Packaging Design * Photography * Technical Design * Textile/Surface Design * Toy Design * Visual Presentation & Exhibition Design
応募締め切り日: Fall Semester - 1月5日, 2月1日 (Material's Deadline)
Spring Semester - 10月1日, 11月1日 (Material's Deadline)
TOEFLスコア:80, IELTS:6.5
学費: AAS:$13,500 (年間), BFA:$19,592 (年間),

場所:Baltimore, Maryland
HP: Maryland Institute College of Art
主な専攻: * Ceramics * Drawing * Environmental Design * Fiber * General Fine Arts * Graphic Design * Illustration * Interaction Design & Art * Interdisciplinary Sculpture * Painting * Photography * Printmaking * Video & Film Arts * Community Arts * Graphic Design * Illustration Practice * Photographic & Electronic Media * Social Design * Studio Art
応募締め切り日: Fall Semester - 2月1日(新入生), 3月1日 (転校生)
Spring Semester - 11月5日 (Material's Deadline)
TOEFLスコア:80, IELTS:6.5
学費:$43,760 (年間), 奨学金あり

場所:Valencia, California
HP: CalArts | California Institute of the Art
主なアート専攻: * Character Animation * Composition * Costume Design * Dance * Experimental Animation * Graphic Design * Film & Video * Lighting Design * Photography & Media * Scene Design * Sound Design * Art * Art & Technology * Experimental Animation * Film & Video * Film Directing * Graphic Design * Photography & Media
応募締め切り日: Fall Semester - 1月5日
Spring Semester - 11月5日 (Material's Deadline)
TOEFLスコア:80, IELTS:6.5
学費:$45,030 (年間), 奨学金あり

場所:Pasadena, California
HP: Art Center College of Design
主なアート専攻: * Entertainment Design * Environmental Design * Film * Fine Art * Graphic Design * Illustration * Photography & Imaging * Product Design * Transportation Design * Broadcast Cinema * Graduate Art * Graduate Media Design * Industrial Design
応募締め切り日: Fall Semester - 2月1日(Entertainment Design), 2月15日
Spring Semester - 10月1日
TOEFLスコア:80, IELTS:6.5
学費:$38,730(年間), 奨学金あり

場所:Sarasota, Florida
HP: Ringling College of Art and DesignRingling College of Art and Design
主なアート専攻: * Advertising Design * Creative Writing * Game Art * Interior Design * Visual Studies (pending approval) * Business of Art & Design * Film * Graphic Design * Motion Design * Computer Animation * Fine Arts * Illustration * Photography & Imaging
応募締め切り日: Fall Semester - 2月15日(*Rolling Admission)
TOEFLスコア:80, IELTS:6.5
学費:$38,170 (年間), 奨学金あり

場所:Pasadena, California
HP: Otis College of Art and Design
主なアート専攻: * ARCHITECTURE (Landscape,Interiors) * COMMUNICATION ARTS (Graphic Design,Illustration) * DIGITAL MEDIA (Animation,Game & Entertainment Design, Motion Design) * FASHION DESIGN * COSTUME DESIGN * FINE ARTS (Painting, Photography, Sculpture, New Genres) * PRODUCT DESIGN * TOY DESIGN
応募締め切り日: Fall Semester - 2月15日
Spring Semester - 11月15日
TOEFLスコア:79, IELTS:6.5
学費:$41,100 (年間), 奨学金あり

場所:New York, New York
HP: New York School of Interior Design
主なアート専攻: * Fine Arts * History of Interior & the Decorative Arts * Interior Design * Interior Lighting Design * Sustainable Interior Environments
応募締め切り日: Fall Semester - 2月1日
Spring Semester - 10月1日
TOEFLスコア:79, IELTS:6.5
学費:約$30,000 (年間), 奨学金あり

場所: Savannah, Georgia
HP: Savannah College of Art & Design
Area of Study: * Animation * Fibers * Film & Television * Furniture Design * Graphic Design * Illustration * Industrial Design * Interactive Design & Game Design * Interior Design * Metals & Jewelry * Motion Media Design * Painting * Performing Arts * Photography * Printmaking * Production Design * Sculpture * Sequential Arts * Service Design * Sound Design * Television Producing * Visual Effects * Writing Accessory Design * Advertising * Animation * Architecture * Design for Sustainability * Fashion * Fibers * Film & Television * Furniture Design * Graphic Design * Historic Preservation * Illustration * Illustration Design * Industrial Design * Interactive Design & Game Development * Interior Design * Luxury & Fashion Management * Metals & Jewelry * Motion Media Management * Painting * Performing Arts * Photography * Printmaking * Production Design * Sculpture * Sequential Art * Service Design * Sound Design * Teaching * Visual Effects * Urban Design
応募締め切り日: Fall Semester - Roilling Admission
Spring Semester - Roilling Admission
TOEFLスコア:85 (20 on each section), IELTS:6.5 (6.5 for Speaking and Writing)
学費:$35,190 (年間), 奨学金あり

場所:New York, New York
HP: The Cooper Union
主なアート専攻: * Fine Arts ( , Foundation , Drawing , Film/Video , Graphic Design , Painting , Photography , Printmaking , Sculpture) * Architecture
応募締め切り日: Fall Semester - 12月1日 (Early Decision), 1月9日
学費:$20,400 (年間), 奨学金あり

場所: Purchase, New York
HP: Purchase College
主なアート専攻: * Acting * Dance * Film * Graphic Design * Painting/Drawing * Photography * Printmaking * Sculpture * Theatre Design/Technology * Visual Arts: Interdisciplinary
応募締め切り日: Fall Semester - 2月1日, 3月1日(専攻によって異なります)
Spring Semester - 10月1日, 11月1日
学費:$18,117(年間), 奨学金あり

場所: Providence, Rhode Island
HP: Rhode Island School of Design
主なアート専攻: * Apparel Design * Architecture * Ceramics * Digital + Media * Film / Animation / Video * Furniture Design * Glass * Graphic Design * Illustration * Industrial Design * Interior * Architecture * Jewelry * Metalsmithing * Painting * Photography * Printmaking * Sculpture * Textiles
応募締め切り日: Fall Semester - 11月1日(Early Decision), 2月1日
TOEFLスコア:93, IELTS: 6.5
学費:$19,858(年間), 奨学金あり

場所: Boston, Massachusetts
HP: School of Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Area of study: *Drawing *Sculpture *Painting *Liberal Arts *SciencesMedia *ArtsPerformance *Graphic Arts *Photography
応募締め切り日: Fall Semester - 6月1日, 1月1日(Combined Degree, BFA+BS/BA)
TOEFLスコア:80, IELTS: 6.5
学費:$41,326(年間), 奨学金あり

場所: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
HP: Carnegie Mellon University
Area of study: *Drawing *Painting *Printmaking *Photography *Sculpture *Installation
応募締め切り日: Fall Semester -1月1日
TOEFLスコア:102, IELTS: 7.5
学費:$51,196 (年間), 奨学金あり